Service begins at 10:00 am.

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Documents for October 20, 2024: Sunday Bulletin | Announcements

What to Expect When Visiting

St. Alban’s is a member of The Episcopal Church, and part of the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona, and that means that we come from a long tradition of liturgical worship. Our clergy – priests and deacons – wear robes and stoles, our choir wears robes, and we celebrate Holy Eucharist (Communion) every Sunday. We follow a particular pattern of worship that includes hymns, Scripture readings, a sermon, congregational confession and prayer, all of which concludes with the Great Thanksgiving (Communion). While our liturgies come from the Book of Common Prayer, our services are all printed in a bulletin, so that visitors can easily follow along. If you have any questions, the friendly people in the pews will gladly answer them all for you.

St. Albans worships according to Holy Eucharist Rite II with occasional use of Rite I. Our service includes lessons from scripture, intercessory prayer, hymns, a sermon, and the administration of Holy Communion. We sing the Gloria in Excelsis, the Gradual Hymn, a Communion hymn in addition to the Processional and Recessional hymns. We celebrate All Saints Day, Pentecost and other key dates with special traditions. On Palm Sunday, we often process, with palms, from the Fellowship Hall to the Church Service. During Lent, we offer the Washing of The Feet tradition and The Stations of the Cross service. In the Advent season, we have a Lessons and Carols service and lighting of the Advent Wreath. We have special floral arrangements for Easter and Christmas. St. Alban’s Sunday morning service combines ritual, musical expression and sermons which all create a meaningful time of prayer. We are a congregation open to new thoughts and change.

Music / Choir / Organist
We have a dedicated and fun choir. The Episcopal Musicians Handbook is used by the organist to match the music to the service. There are occasional services with instrumental accompaniment, depending on the availability of an organist or other musicians.

Do you like to sing? Come for a visit, and speak with our music director.

How to Find Us
For directions, click the image.

357 W. Yavapai St.
Wickenburg, AZ 85390

Phone: 928.684.2133