Altar Guild
The Altar Guild’s primary purpose is to prepare, clean and maintain the altar, the linens and all Eucharistic vessels, as well as chancel, sacristy, and worship space. During certain times of the Church year (Lent, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas) the Church is specially decorated. The Altar Guild is in charge of ordering the bread and the wine and changing out the seasonal floral arrangements that adorn the altar.
Christian Education
Periodically we have an adult forum before our Sunday service, with various topics and discussions. These sessions are led by members of the congregation.
Service Helpers
We have Chalice bearers, lay lectors and readers, ushers and acolytes. We are always open to more volunteers.
Parish Nurse
We are fortunate to have a registered nurse who provides the opportunity for parishioners to talk about medical concerns, get blood pressure readings, weight checks and blood sugar readings. This service is provided once a month after the Sunday morning service. We also have several wheelchairs available if needed and a couple of first aid kits for emergencies.
Coffee Hour/Project SALT Luncheon
After the Sunday service, there is a very social coffee hour usually provided by the ECW and occasional volunteers from the congregation. The ECW provides a cake the first Sunday of the month to celebrate those having birthdays during that month. On the last Sunday of the month, Deacon Debra, her husband, Dave and volunteers provide a delicious and nutritious freewill offering potluck lunch. The money raised from this lunch goes to Project SALT, Inc., a local non-profit food and clothing bank.
ECW: We have a very active Episcopal Church Women’s group that is open to every woman of St. Alban’s. The group meets the second Tuesday of the month, September through May, at 11:30 AM for fellowship followed by the business meeting. The ECW is responsible for the annual Christmas bazaar the first weekend of December and a rummage sale every other year which is held in the spring. The proceeds from these events support the mission of St. Alban’s as well as the purchase of cleaning supplies and kitchen items, including food items to support the weekly Coffee Hour. The ECW adopts a family at Christmas and provides gifts and support to them throughout the year. The ECW also provides for Memorial Celebration of Life services, funding for other special occasion celebrations, and Christmas gifts for the office staff. The ECW routinely participates with women’s group from other community churches.