Morning Prayer

Time: 7:30 am on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

Morning Prayer services follow Rite II from the Book of Common Prayer, and begin at 7:30 am in the nave on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of every week. The front door of the church will be open during this time.

The Morning Prayer services are normally around 20 minutes, if spoken, and about 25-30 minutes when chanted. The idea is that if you work in Wickenburg, you will be able to attend Morning Prayer and still make it to work on time.

The officiant – and other participants – will be happy to walk you through navigating the Book of Common Prayer if you are unfamiliar with the liturgy. Don’t be afraid to ask. The people are very happy to help with getting you up to speed.

On Fridays, the service is chanted and sung.

Anglican Rosary Prayer

Time: 1:00pm on Thursdays

The Anglican Rosary is a fairly new type of prayer, having been designed by the Rev. Lynn Bauman in the mid-1980s. The Anglican Rosary is similar to the Orthodox Jesus Prayer Rope, and the Roman Catholic Rosary. There are no set prayers for the Anglican Rosary, making it a very effective tool to help you get into a meditative prayer state by utilizing the prayers that are most meaningful for you.

As a group, we pray the Anglican Rosary with prayers for the Church throughout the world, for our Diocese and denominational leadership, for our local church, and for evangelism.

The prayer time is roughly 20 minutes, and you are welcome to remain in the church and continue praying once the corporate worship time has completed.

Please enter the church from the St. Alban’s Chapel door (pictured).

For Private Prayer

The chapel contains samples of various Anglican Rosary prayers for various occasions, and if you need a rosary, you can borrow one from the office. Office staff will let you into the St. Alban’s Chapel, where you can spend time in prayer, either using your own prayers, or one of the sample Anglican Rosary Prayers that are provided.

Taizé Prayer

Time: 1st Wednesday of Every Month at 6:00pm

The Taizé service is a meditative service that grew out of the Taizé Community in France. The service consists of meditative music, chant, and singing, along with scripture readings. It is a quiet and contemplative service that allows people to calm themselves, and slow down enough to hear from God through prayer. The church will be dimly lit, and candles placed around the front of the church. There will be enough light to navigate and walk, though if you have trouble walking or seeing in the dark, let someone know so that they can help you find a seat.

This service is usually about an hour long. People are asked to enter in silence, and leave in silence, so as not to disturb those who may wish to remain longer. For this service, the main doors of the church will be unlocked and open for those wishing to join in this prayer service.
